The 5 Devices That’ll Turn Your House into a Smart Home

March 15, 2018

In our technology-filled world, your home no longer needs to be the exception. Convenience is now what used to be frustration with automated lighting control, smart security systems, and audio-filled rooms. With cutting-edge technology at your fingertips, your chores will no longer feel as mundane. Your day-to-day activities will also get a lot easier with these five devices that’ll turn your house into a “smart home.”

Home Automation

The best part about smart homes is that the new technology makes your home easier to use. At first glance, people misunderstand that concept. But, the home automation system does exactly that—simplifies your home.  An intuitive, easy-to-use control interface makes sure that anyone is able to operate the system. For example, a “Goodnight” button, turns off all the lights in the house, dims hall lights to 30% at nightlight, powers down all devices, dials back the heating, and arms the security system. A well-thought-out automated system works with you to create easy living inside your new smart home.

Home Audio System

Implement an audio system into your home and you’ll never need to buy another speaker. It’s easy and affordable for new construction and old. You even have the ability to create single- or multi-zone systems depending on your preference. If mom wants to listen to Adele in one room and the kids prefer the latest boy band, then easily choose which room plays what with Multi-Zone Audio. You’ll also have a structured wiring system that’s easily changeable for future technology upgrades.

Home Video System

Get rid of unsightly cords and shared cable boxes with a home video system. You’ll also eliminate the daily family searches for your remote with our universal remote that, with a touch of a button, powers all necessary equipment. Imagine: instead of the five cable boxes for five TV’s, you’ll share three cable boxes among six TVs. You’ll save money and space with your new home video system and you’ll be able to connect to all your devices including cable, satellite, DVD/Blu-ray, 4K streamers, Apple TV/ Amazon Fire/ Roku, gaming consoles, laptops, and security cameras. The video possibilities are endless in your smart home.

Security Systems and Cameras

While your home gets smarter, you get more protected with home security systems and cameras. The peace of mind alone should be your number one draw to smart homes. You’ll have protection from intruders and burglars, environmental factors like fire, carbon monoxide, and flooding, and more with a home security system. An advanced smart home system maximizes the capabilities of security detection by syncing smoke/heat detectors, fire sprinklers, carbon monoxide sensors, flood detectors, and freeze sensors to your alarm system. You’ll also have video monitoring capabilities attached to your security system for maximum protection. Whether you’re at-home or out-of-town, you’ll never have to worry about your smart home.

Lighting Control

Using a structured wiring system you’ll easily control the lighting in whichever part of your smart home with remote lighting control. Imagine never having to walk upstairs to turn off the lights again. Well, with lighting control all you’ll need to do is push a button from wherever you stand. You’ll also save money. A lighting system gives you the ability to adjust the preset turn-on brightness. By simply adjusting the default turn-on to level 90% instead of 100%, you save 10% on the electricity used to light your home with little, if any, perceived brightness loss. Also, motion sensors placed in strategic areas around the home can turn lights off automatically.